Ecotype Alpha
Eco type alpha developed this machine influence collaboration mentorship and testing of premier academic institutes
This machine runs on horizontal plane to the gravity putting an enormous gravitational force on the materials to be grinded resulting in alloying MMR for sizing Co crystallization of various elements otherwise seems impossible through other realms of chemistry
Prastar nano powders
R specialty nano powders available in range of pure metals characterised through most sophisticated characterization methods and asset by top laboratories to suit your purpose of research production of new products or services. These nano powders are made to order upon client specification and the time is given to them as per the testing and characterization applicability we adhere to the most stricted standards of production of these nano powders through greener synthesis root rather than other branches of chemistry are network of top academicians helps us in getting them as pure as possible to the international standards v understand the havoc of adulteration into this field of speciality hence extra care is given to the clients demand.
Eco dravya TM range of nano fluids This range of nano fluids especially catered by suspending nanoparticles or ultra fine reactive particles in various mediums to put perspective off usefulness like coating suspensions paints etcetera as per the nanochemistry premise course the reactive the reactive ags of nanoparticles is far better than when they are in Micron sizes the crystal lattices correspond to better adhesion better spread and overall better performance when in nano or ultra fine sizes.
These nano fluids can be specially made as per clients demand and through our academic network and laboratory infrastructures throughout the country and as per the suitable academic institution to the nearest place of the industry are main stay
Is the need of the client, greener solution to the chemical need in hand and better cost optimization than ever before. This leads to the concept of eco Dravya TM nano fluids.
Knowledge process networking
We are aiming to be pioneer in the process of making new products optimised chemically through this green channel of chemistry. Delivery of new chemicals as per the needs of industry like superior coatings agricultural products nutritional products pharmaceutical products and defense materials please contact us to get new chapters about the wonders created by our echo type alpha and prastar range of nano powders a glimpse of application markets can be excessed through our website and do not hesitate to contact us for further possibilities and searches researches.
Chemical analysis and testing
We can analyse any sort of chemical based on your data sheet or your assay report through our specialised laboratory and institutes network. As for the needs of industry the purity of the chemical undergoing the mixing in various stages of a plant and other processes is very important we ensure that you are getting what you are being reported to for the chemical in your plant. Please contact us for any type of characterization chemical analysis or toxicological etcetera analysis.